PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

DirecTracer 1.0.6 DirecTracer is a Python script that generates a directory structure in both text and Markdown formats. It can be used to visualize the hierarchy of folders and files in a given directory, while also excluding specific folders and file extensions. 2024-04-03 14:00:30
FlaskStarterApp 1.0.2 FlaskStarter is a project automation script designed to kickstart your Flask web application development. It helps you set up a Flask project structure, including a virtual environment creation, a bare-bones file for the backend, templates & static folders along with the index.html, index.css & index.js files for the frontend. 2024-03-21 13:27:47
CPPinator 1.0.4 CPPinator is a Python automation script designed for compiling and running multiple C++ files in a specified directory. It simplifies the process of handling multiple C++ programs and provides a clear and organized output for each program's execution along with the execution time for each program. 2024-02-19 11:51:54
FileHarvestor 1.0.2 FileHarvestor is a Python utility that reads the contents of specified files and writes them to both text and markdown files. If a file does not exist, it is added to a list of not found files. This tool is useful for consolidating and documenting the contents of multiple files in a directory. 2024-02-19 11:50:19
Hardik Pawar
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